Studia Spiritual

by Vlad Dobrovolski


Final Eons

1. Vlad Dobrovolski — Far Above The Ground
2. S A D — Ini Ke Edi
3. P-SH — Merging Bottoms
4. P-SH — ++
5. FE — Radiance

Celestial Objects

6. Ellarald — Unnatural Natural
7. P-SH — Netoa Vi
8. Brandon Locius Full Swing feat. P-SH — Thunder In Paradise
9. Ellarald — Riversong
10. Vlad Dobrovolski — Meditation

The main mind set by the duo S A D is to find a point of contact between the spiritual and material world, which is the condition for any genuine creativity. According to the theosophical teaching, which has had a great influence on artists inclined to esotericism, humanity owes its evolution to the spirit, from which all living matter originates up to the most complex and perfect forms.

How to create works endowed not just with meaning and beauty, but with "prophetic power"? How to express with the help of sound that which in itself serves to overcome their material nature?

For answers to these questions, Stepanov and Dobrovolski turn to contemporary esoteric music, a rich selection of which is available in their record collections. According to Alexey Kalik, owner of the Udacha label, the concept of aura and so-called mental forms, representing the embodiment of mental and intellectual processes, is extremely important for S A D music.

This incarnation takes place just at the junction of two worlds, in the area of subtle matter, invisible to the ordinary eye, but opening to the clairvoyant. Thus, a person's mental state and the world of his ideas can find direct expression in a combination of sounds and their forms, forming a kind of halo around his physical body.

It was music that became a reference point for the duo in experiments with different types of sound production, which they consider primarily as a breakthrough to the "inner sound" that breaks the everyday perception of the world. When you don't see the object itself, but only hear it, then an abstract representation, a dematerialized object, arises in the listener's head, which immediately causes a vibration in the heart.

In their latest work S A D “Studia Spiritual", the duo released in the mysterious scottish 12th Isle, techniques of onomatopoeia, repetition and synesthesia are actively used, they resemble magic spells, where meaning is born on the border of sound effect and visual image, referring to a fabulous or mystical reality.


released June 10, 2022

Originally released by 12th Isle as a Limited Edition LP

All tracks produced by Vlad Dobrovolski and Vasiliy Stepanov
Artwork by Al White


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